Walking with God has been an incredible journey. From my earliest memories God has provided a steady hand in guiding my foot steps towards Him. Always endeavoring to make sense of this world and listening to the gentle call of our Father has instilled in me an appreciation for the purpose God brings to life, for without God life is senseless.
This is me when I made my first communion as a Catholic. Having a hungry heart I eagerly believed all they taught me. I wish I could say that what they fed me was able to sustain me during the next dozen or so years but sadly and all too commonly the voices and temptations of this world led me down a dark Godless path. Being a teenager in the late sixties should suffice in letting you know of my lifestyle. Although I must say that having a faith in God spared me from the very worst things that could have happened to me. Not because I would not have involved myself but because being able to look back I now know God had different plans for me so His mercy watched over me. I can very honestly say with full assurance that if God had not protected me I would most likely have died a long time ago. I am not among God's more obedient children and I am a bit thick headed wanting to do what I want to do. Those years saw me not just a rebellious hippie, but I was married by 21 and divorced by 23 and in between I had two children to support. Life as the world had to offer would have made me glad to have a very short life. After the divorce, being all alone I remember calling out to God in my despair and at that low point in my life God threw out the life preserver. I had enough of drowning in life's bitter waters so when He called out to me I ran fast to that secure feeling I had as a child. I knew where home was and the prodigal son was ready to trade the trash of this world for the glories of my God. Jesus came to me in a dream, in that dream I was suddenly enveloped in light. Instantly I fell prostrate on the floor. In my mind I was aware that a miracle was taking place in my life. I wanted to see the source of that light so I peeked up a bit and before me was a little candle and as I peeked at the flickering flame I was overwhelmed with more joy than I ever felt before. That was it. God is so awesome and His wisdom so intense. For some, His reaching out has to be more dramatic and sledge hammer like, but for me that was enough to anchor my soul unmovable. All God really had to do was point me in the right direction, and that He did by sending me to fellowship with a very precious people. I had a hunger, God did not have to create that hunger and I already knew the world was not for me. So when He passed by that night my heart was already ready to grasp onto my second chance to find meaning in life. Since that night miracles have steadily flowed throughout my life letting me know what a wonderful thing it is to be in the family of God. Well, the very next day a cousin of mine invited me to go with him to a friends house. I went to what turned out to be a prayer meeting / Bible study. There were about 7 or 8 people there all talking about God in a way that I never heard as a Catholic, and when they prayed it was out loud and demonstrative and they all sounded foreign to me praying in an unknown language. Keep in mind God had previously prepared my heart otherwise normally I couldn't get out quick enough. So the first miracle was that I found myself just sitting there and listening to all that was going on around me. I was like a dry sponge just soaking up every last word. From that moment on learning about Jesus became my passion. I fellowshiped faithfully with my new family and whatever they showed me to do in the Bible I did. They told me to turn from sin, and I did. They told me to be baptized in the lovely Name of Jesus, and I did. Then they told me God was willing to fill me with His Spirit if I asked Him to, so I did and God did! Praise God! Everything happened so quickly. Within a two week period I went from total despair and loneliness to being surrounded, loved and nurtured by a whole church full of people, and I might add these are the greatest bunch of Saints anywhere on earth. All these years I have remained faithful to God and loyal to my church. God has been incredibly good to me. All the years I've been serving God that sense of joy I got that night has never left me but has grown richer and deeper. Space would not allow an accounting of all His blessings to me. I just want to close with this thought. God brought me into the church by showing me a candle. In the book of Revelations candles represented churches. Now I saw just a little candle but I now believe God was showing me my future work and the joy I would feel in in fulfilling my calling. I am not called into doing any great works. My heart and soul will find blessing and joy in just being able to help you my friend. Hence the purpose of maintaining this web site. My little flame shining forth for Jesus. All I have came from being a child of God, and this is what I offer to you, peace, love, joy, security, and hope. I sincerely hope God blesses you as you go through the studies. In the lovely Name of Jesus, be blessed.
P.S. Here a few more pictures.
Before Jesus
My H.S. Grad Picture |
Yikes! | ||
The new convert and my kids.
The aging convert. |
Now we are
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